Have you ever heard that the eyes are the window to the soul? Doesn't this seem so true when it comes to our pets? But have you ever heard that the skin is the window to your pet's health? Just like us, your pet's skin is an organ that is affected by their...
Busting the Myths of Veterinary Prevention vs. Treatment Are vaccines worth their weight in gold? Absolutely. When it comes to immunizations, you're not just protecting your pet from possible illness, you could be saving her life and saving yourself from stress...
Let Your Dog Make a Splash This Summer with These Water Safety Tips With all the amazing options for doggie paddling in and around Shoreview, it's not surprising that we're getting a lot of questions about water safety for dogs. If you are planning for your...
There are so many options out there for pet medicines and treatments. From holistic remedies to over-the-counter medicines, to pet prescription medications, it can be difficult to make informed decisions for your pet's health and best interest. We want to...
Thanks to a joint effort by ADT Security Services and the American Kennel Club (AKC) several years ago, July 15 is official Pet Fire Safety Day. Representatives from both organizations felt alarmed at the statistics indicating pets start at least 1,000 fires in the...
Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease, which means that animals can acquire it and pass it to humans, and vice versa, though this is rare. Although humans, cats, and other animals can sometimes get leptospirosis, the illness that develops from the bacteria Genus...