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What Every Cat Owner Needs to Know About Feline Calicivirus
Feline calicivirus is a common upper respiratory infection that can spread quickly among cats in close quarters and those who haven't received a vaccination against it. Since it's much more common in very young kittens, you need to use extra precaution...
It’s Almost Time for National Mutt Day
Colleen Paige, a well-known animal activist, created National Mutt Day in 2005. She is also the person behind such campaigns as National Puppy Day, National Cat Day, and numerous others related to the well-being of pets. National Mutt Day now takes place...
This Saturday is Pet Fire Safety Day
It might seem hard to believe that a pet can start a house fire, but it happens approximately 1,000 times a year in the United States. A curious cat can knock over a burning candle or an excited dog can accidentally bump a burner when jumping up on the...
Are You Ready to Adopt a New Pet?
Sharing your home and life with a pet can be immensely rewarding. It's also a lot of responsibility. Sadly, many dogs and cats are surrendered to animal shelters or just dropped somewhere to fend for themselves because people underestimate everything...
What Are Hot Spots and What Can You Do About Them?
Your dog or cat can develop hot spots, also known as acute moist dermatitis, due to a combination of moisture and bacteria on her skin. As the condition becomes more bothersome, you will notice her licking, scratching, or biting her skin to try to relieve the...
Pets Get Allergies and Asthma Too
It's prime allergy season, which is why the National Asthma and Allergy Foundation chose May for its awareness campaign. National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month was designed with humans in mind, but it's a great opportunity for...