Preventing Dog Bites

Preventing Dog Bites

How to Recognize a Fearful Dog to Prevent Dog Bites   When it comes to avoiding dog bites, there is one simple solution that can significantly reduce your risk of being bitten: avoid dogs when they feel nervous, fearful, and anxious. Just last year, 4.5 million...
No Easter Flowers for Pet Lovers

No Easter Flowers for Pet Lovers

Are you expecting company for Easter? Or maybe you’re planning to be an Easter guest instead. Either way, it’s traditional for guests bringing gifts for their hosts. Although many bring something edible or drinkable, at this time of year, flowers are also...

Food Allergies in Dogs

Food allergies in dogs can be difficult to identify, so it is important to keep a close eye on your pet and investigate any abnormal symptoms as soon as possible. Allergies are triggered when allergens invade the dog’s body and upset its delicately balanced...
Antifreeze Toxicity

Antifreeze Toxicity

Antifreeze is more common during this time of year when the weather is chilly and our engines are susceptible to freezing, but it’s not entirely safe and it’s important to understand the danger it poses to our pets. Antifreeze contains ethylene glycol, an...