Buying toys for your dog at Christmas, Hanukkah, or any other time of year isn't spoiling him. Dogs who don't have enough toys or the right kinds of toys to occupy their minds and bodies are much more likely to engage in destructive behavior. If you want to...
Signs of Diabetes in Dogs and Cats We encourage you to contact our animal hospital for an evaluation if you notice any of these symptoms in your pet: Increased thirst: If your pet suddenly starts emptying his water dish more often, it could be an early...
The Effect of Cigarette Smoke on Dogs and Cats The way that secondhand smoke affects a dog often has to do with the size of his nose. Dogs with longer noses are prone to nasal cancer while shorter-nosed dogs develop lung cancer more frequently. Breathing in...
Just Say No When It Comes to Candy for Pets Chocolate and artificial sweetener are especially toxic for pets. They can cause immediate gastric distress, including vomiting and diarrhea. Additional symptoms may include seizures, rapid breathing, and increased heart...
How to Participate in the Event as a Pet Owner One way you can support this cause is by continuing to take great care of your own pets. If you don't yet have a microchip for your dog or cat, we encourage you to consider getting one. This greatly...
Best Practices to Keep Your Hunting Dog Safe Both you and your dog need a blaze orange hunting vest anytime you're in the woods. The bright color enables other hunters to see you both. It also protects your dog's internal organs if he's hit by a bullet or...