Doggy daycare is one of those services that people think is an “extra” to their pet’s overall health and well-being. However, there are many benefits to having your dog participate in this activity while you’re away at work or vacation!...
Can you imagine never taking your children to their doctor for a physical or wellness visit? You likely would not go years without visiting the physician for a checkup, either. Unfortunately, many pet owners only schedule a veterinary visit when their cat or dog needs...
Did you know that almost 80 percent of cats and dogs have some kind of periodontal disease? Even more startling than four out of five companion animals have periodontal disease is that many develop prior to reaching the age of three. The AVMA (American Veterinary...
Can you imagine going through a day, or even a week, without brushing your teeth? Think of the reasons that dental health is so important to you, and then consider many of these same reasons are equally as important for your pet. Our pets benefit greatly from proper...
It’s official! Winter has arrived to Shoreview, MN – and it’s time to embrace all that our beautiful area has to offer”¦..and bring your adventurous dog with you! He or she will not only benefit from the physical exercise, but also enjoy the...
In the winter months, you are going to need to take extra precautions when it comes to looking after your pets. Winter can bring some harsh challenges, so you need to make sure that your pet is going to stay healthy throughout this season. We have come up...