If you love to take your pet out for a walk, you must understand how to prevent them from developing Lyme disease.

This is one of the most common tick-borne illnesses affecting your pets’ health. The infection is transmitted via the bite of deer ticks infected with Borrelia burgdorferi. Once ill, pets display multiple symptoms of infections. These include; fever, lethargy, swollen lymph nodes and joints, vomiting, or decreased appetite. The disease can be fatal if you don’t catch it on time. However, the good news is that you can prevent the infection. We are here to tell you everything about how you can prevent your beloved pet from catching Lyme disease.

Perform regular tick checks on your pet

The infection begins to spread into the bloodstream within 24-48 hours of the tick bite. You must examine your pet regularly to look out for bugs (especially if your cat or dog spends plenty of time outside). Check for bite marks under their fur as well as in the following areas:

  • Around the eyelids                                           
  • Under the arms
  • Back of knees
  • Under the collar and front legs
  • Between back legs

If you find any tick attached to the pet’s body, remove it ASAP and consult your veterinarian.

Control ticks in the surroundings, such as your garden or yard

Ticks thrive in moist environments. They are most commonly found clinging to tall trees, weeds, sloppy wood piles, or low shrubs. The best way to protect your pet from Lyme disease is to eliminate ticks from their surroundings. You can do this by;

  • Mowing your yard regularly
  • Cutting overly-grown grass
  • Avoiding walking in weedy areas
  • Inspecting your yard and strategically spraying pesticides to kill ticks
  • Removing leaf litter from your garden to eliminate bugs.
  • Keeping the lawn clean and well-maintained.

Avoid walking in tick habitats

Another great idea to protect your pets from tick-borne illnesses is to avoid walking in habitats that encourage the growth of bugs. These include; woodlands, marshy areas, tall grasses, and weedy places.

Talk to your veterinarian about Lyme disease preventive medications

Prevention is always better than cure. If you live in high-risk areas or have a pet that loves going out for walks, consult your vet about which preventive medications to use. You can either opt for a year-round topical or oral tick preventative. Use a veterinarian-recommended product to ensure it is safe for animal use.

You can also visit our online pharmacy to shop for veterinarian-recommended products.  

Schedule routine veterinary checkups for tick-borne illness

This is so important! Please schedule routine vet checkups regularly. Take your domesticated pets to vet appointments, where they can be checked for signs of Lyme disease and other bacterial infections that ticks can transmit. Early detection results in a good prognosis.

Minnesota Veterinary Hospital ensures that all pets are treated with utmost love, care, and affection. If you notice any signs of lethargy, swollen lymph nodes, painful joints, or sudden weight loss in your pets, immediately book an appointment or shop for preventive medication. 

Image credit: Unsplash