Whether you’re of Irish descent or not, you may enjoy celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with family and friends every March 17. This may involve eating foods and drinking beverages that you wouldn’t normally consume. If you’re a pet owner who plans to host a party this Friday, it’s important to review some safety tips before the guests arrive. Your pets can accidentally get themselves into trouble just because of their natural curiosity.
Know Your Pet’s Personality
Pets, like people, have a wide range of personalities. Some are social and love interacting with new people while others are shy and anxious. If your dog or cat falls into the latter category, he would be more comfortable in a quiet room until the party is over. Be sure to prepare the room ahead of time with his favorite toys and bedding as well as enough food and water for the night.
Pets, like people, have a wide range of personalities. Some are social and love interacting with new people while others are shy and anxious. If your dog or cat falls into the latter category, he would be more comfortable in a quiet room until the party is over. Be sure to prepare the room ahead of time with his favorite toys and bedding as well as enough food and water for the night.
Even friendly pets can become stressed with too much noise and attention. This is especially true if some of your guests bring children. They may not know how to act around animals and end up doing something that aggravates your pet. If you decide to allow your pets around children, make sure that either you or their parents supervise at all times.
Human Food and Drinks Are Not for Pets
What is St. Patrick’s Day without green beer, corned beef, cabbage, and sauerkraut? While you may enjoy feasting on these things once a year, even a small amount can make your pet sick. The meats are high in fat and difficult for them to digest. Dogs and cats who do eat too much of these types of food increase the likelihood of pancreatitis. Make sure your guests know they should not give your pet table scraps no matter how much she begs for them.
What is St. Patrick’s Day without green beer, corned beef, cabbage, and sauerkraut? While you may enjoy feasting on these things once a year, even a small amount can make your pet sick. The meats are high in fat and difficult for them to digest. Dogs and cats who do eat too much of these types of food increase the likelihood of pancreatitis. Make sure your guests know they should not give your pet table scraps no matter how much she begs for them.
Giving green beer or any type of alcohol to your pet is not a joke and not something you should tolerate from your guests. Even a small amount of alcohol can be toxic. You should also ensure that your pet doesn’t ingest food dye on this holiday. If your pet suddenly become ill or get injured today, don’t hesitate to call for help.
Get Immediate Help in Case of an Emergency
Minnesota Veterinary Hospital is open until 6 p.m. on St. Patrick’s Day. You may reach us at 651-484-3331. After hours, please call Affiliated Emergency Veterinary Service in Blaine at 763-754-5000. This location is open 24 hours.
Minnesota Veterinary Hospital is open until 6 p.m. on St. Patrick’s Day. You may reach us at 651-484-3331. After hours, please call Affiliated Emergency Veterinary Service in Blaine at 763-754-5000. This location is open 24 hours.
Photo Credit: Willee Cole / iStock / Getty Images Plus